Our CCTV security solutions ensure that your premises are under tight monitoring 24/7 without any downtown.
Coupled with our solar power solution you can be sure that your security monitoring system is running even in cases of power interruptions.
CCTV monitoring applications:
Point of Sale Monitoring
Residential PlacesShops surveillancePerimeter ProtectionFinancial InstitutionsNanny MonitoringAnti-Terrorism surveillanceHospitals,Hotels and much more Our clients trust us with advice on what to look for before installing CCTV surveillance and they don’t hesitate to recommend us to others due to the quality of work we deliver in the installation, maintenance and repair of CCTV surveillance devices.
CCTV is best used to monitor the use of additional security such as Electric Fences, Biometric Access Control and security teams who are using Walkie talkies.If you are looking fo fair pricing and quality installation get in touch with us today.